After the promotion to Serie C, The Mayor of Trapani Giacomo Tranchida is more than ever determined to confer honorary citizenship to the president of Trapani Valerio Antoniniso much so that the process has already started, which could be slowed down by a DASPO relating to basketball that was issued against the club’s number one by the Bologna police headquarters: Antonini will be able to access the sports halls only 10 minutes before the start and must leave no later than 10 minutes after the end of the matches.
But the mayor, as can be read on, continues: “Following the presentation of the new sports season, which took place last Saturday in Sala Sodano at the Palazzo Comunale, the President of Trapani Calcio and Trapani Shark Valerio Antonini informed us of this “particular” DASPO (relating to basketball, ed.) in whose merits I will not go into, since it will certainly be the subject of administrative investigation in the appropriate offices. However, I intend to reiterate the city’s enthusiasm and my personal conviction for honorary citizenship to Valerio Antonini, both for what he did as an entrepreneur for Trapani, investing in basketball which was suffering and, after many scandals and perhaps even thefts, also in the field of football. Until proven otherwise, Antonini has respected the “agreements” with the city and made important investments, respecting the rules and with transparency, opening the world of sport also to subjects in difficulty. For us, it is a source of pride and, while not entering into conflict with the pronouncement of another institution Republican, whom I respect, I think with my own head and, as Mayor of the city of Trapani, I will not back down one millimeter and on the contrary I urge the City Council to grant honorary citizenship, 10 minutes more, 10 minutes less”.
Antonini’s words followed: “I sincerely thank Mayor Tranchida and the entire Municipal Administration who have repeatedly shown great affection and esteem towards me in consideration of the respect of the commitments I made last year. It will be an indescribable honor for me, after such a short time, to receive this recognition that will give credit to the efforts, not only economic, sustained throughout the past sporting year. I have a wife and two children from Trapani and, by now, I feel an integral part of this territory that I have learned to know in all its facets: appreciating the positive things and understanding its limits. Trapani is a city with enormous possibilities that, also through sporting results, will be open to those who truly want to invest in the territory. My commitment will focus on continuing to work hard to bring the name of Trapani as high as possible”.