Vincenzo Montefuscoformer coach of Napoli, speaking to the microphones of Kiss Kiss Naples he spoke of a sensational market idea for the Neapolitans: “Right now I would go to Toni Kroos, who has decided to retire. I would offer him a house in Palazzo Donn’Anna overlooking the sea, a fixed boat and three private sailors. I would tell him: come here and spend a year on holiday with us. Far from retiring, it would be an excellent purchase for the Neapolitan team. Kroos in the blue midfield would change history”.
Kroos so, if he follows Montefusco’s advice, he should go back on his decision, which he has reiterated several times, as in the post he posted on his social media on July 7: “That’s it. But before I take a break and at least try to realize what has happened in the last 17 years, I don’t want to miss the opportunity to thank everyone who has accepted me for who I am and who I am. Thank you to all my fans around the world for your unconditional support. Thank you to all my clubs and coaches for believing in me.
Thank you to all my teammates for making me feel welcome at any time. Thank you to my friends for always being honest with me no matter how successful I was. Thank you to my agents who have become friends. Thank you to my parents for the best possible preparation to make my dream come true. Thank you to my brother Felix for always being my number one fan. Thank you to my children for being my biggest motivation to bring out the best in me – there is nothing better than seeing your children proud of dad. Thank you to my beautiful wife Jessica for being you. Never change. This success would not have been possible without you. It’s ours! And last but not least: Thank you Football! Your beautiful game. And… you are welcome! Over and out”.