Giorgio Mulè, Forza Italia MP who was the first signatory of the amendment in his name to change the electoral weight of Serie A in Federation (currently at 12%), gave an interview to the ‘Gazzetta dello Sport’: “Going forward like this risks distorting the game. Even though there are new rules, there is always a way to either get around them or not apply them. So I would not like the old adage ‘When the law is made, find the loophole’ to be replaced by ‘When the law is made, we move forward with the loophole’. This is not acceptable, because there is a problem of respect for the relative roles, first and foremost for Parliament”.
It’s still: “It is a rule that must be applied, it is not programmatic as I have heard. You cannot ignore a state law, it is not possible that this law has a value that can be equated to a little thought or a ‘I would like’. The law is law and therefore it is applied. The decree law is already an act that has the value of law, this modified decree will be law by July 30”.
Then in another passage he added: “Is there a fair number for Serie A representation in the Federal Council? The fair number in the governing bodies, which must also take into account the economic contribution, cannot be 12% in the face of a payment of 1.3 billion in taxes and 130 million per year to the federation. A 40% representation of Serie A is unthinkable, but from 12% it must be brought to at least 23-24% which is a minority share, while the current one is irrelevant. Those who think that those in Serie A must destroy the system like barbarians have not understood the issue well”.