Leonardo Pavoletti, Cagliari strikerspoke to the microphones of Sky Sports directly from the Sardinian team’s summer retreat: “I’m very happy, the fans have responded very positively to the renewal and now it’s up to me to teach the boys how to be in Cagliari, even if they will learn it because it’s a simple city to live in. They will understand it soon, also what it means to play for this shirt and we older ones have to give them a hand”.
How are things going with the new arrivals and the new coach?
“The new guys are all good guys, we are just in the first few weeks and it takes time to get to know each other and get to know each other. We can work well. The coach knows us, he came prepared and knows what kind of men he is dealing with. Little by little he is unlocking himself, on a tactical level but above all emotionally”.