Vogliacco: “Vitinha is very strong. Torino? In my head and in my heart only Genoa”

Alexander Vogliaccodefender of the Genoaspoke from Pozza di Fassa, a town near Moena, home of the Grifone retreat, where Alberto Gilardino’s team went to meet the fans present in Val di Fassa. The first question he was asked was about the competition for the starting spot, given that in his role there are 4 for 3 spots: “Every week – he declared to the broadcast We are Genoa Of Telenord – it will be nice to put mister Gilardino in difficulty with his choices. Marcandalli should be left alone, he has above-average physical qualities: he should be waited for, we will forgive him for his mistakes, we have all been there. It is very important to start with a solid base, we are ambitious like our fans, but we do not set ourselves goals. The mister, whose best quality is balance, pays a lot of attention to details: depending on the day we deepen the low or high defense and the many lines drawn on the training field help us. I like to help the offensive phase with precision and clean passes to best serve my teammates. I want to score in Serie A, also because my teammates constantly make fun of me”.

Who do you consider essential and allow you to perform at your best?
“My family is my strength, from them I find the strength to move forward. I am lucky to have a little girl, called Violante, smart and lively, she fills my days: I am proud to be her dad. There is a little boy on the way who will be called Leone Sinisa, I wanted to give him this name, I hope he can take something from his grandfather. Playing with my brother-in-law Sabelli is a unique case in the world: there is a special trust between us, it is easier to tell each other to go to hell. I always tend to protect and defend him”.

This year you will also have Vitinha from the beginning.
“He’s a sunny boy, in my opinion he’s very strong. Badelj? I hope he can play for another 50 years, we’re lucky to have him with us”.

There was talk of Turin in its future.
“In my head and in my heart there is only Genoa. I want to continue, I am sure that everything will go well to build a great Genoa: naturally, there are contractual issues (expires in 2025, ed.) that are not my responsibility”.