Parma, first training session for Suzuki: the club’s story and the group’s reaction

First time in Collecchio for Zion SuzukiParma’s new goalkeeper made official by the club today. Through its official website, the ducal club recounted the goalkeeper’s first hours with his new teammates, including clearly the goalkeeping team, made up of Leandro Chichizola, Edoardo Corvi and Filippo Rinaldi.

The report.
“A group that welcomed Zion very well, who was cheerful and smiling, joking a lot about the “translations”: first we started speaking in English, then every movement and action was translated into Japanese by Zion and, finally, an Italian definition was given to the action. The group, with Chichizola, Corvi and Rinaldi, integrated the Japanese goalkeeper very well, with great harmony and a lot of work. The session continued with the rest of the team group, where Suzuki, alternating with Chichizola, Corvi and Rinaldi, was used in the mini-matches by coach Fabio Pecchia and the rest of the technical staff. The session for the goalkeepers ended with work in the gym and lasted just over two hours.

The team, instead, did strength and transformation work on the field, tactical exercises for the defensive line and the offensive line, mini-games on a small field and a game on a large field. In the afternoon the team did work activities in the gym at the Mutti Training Center in Collecchio”.