Juve Stabia, a new face and 2 more on the way. Cosenza is doing well. All the latest on the Serie B market

The day just ended was full of transfer market news, even in Serie B.

As always, starting with the operations made official by the various clubs. Sudtirol announced the arrival of Crespi from Lazio for the defense, as did Modena that of midfielder Niang from Pro Vercelli and Juve Stabia Da Riva from Atalanta. Reggiana, on the other hand, announced the renewal of Libutti, while Brescia announced the transfer of Mangraviti to Cesena and, finally, Spezia announced that of Moutinho to Jagiellonia.

Many hot deals, but not yet completed. Like the one that will see the arrival of Christian Dalle Mura from Fiorentina to Cosenza with a three-year deal, but also the farewell to Cesena of Giacomo Calò, while Palermo awaits Thomas Henry from Hellas Verona and Dimitrios Nikolau from Spezia. Juve Stabia, on the other hand, in addition to Da Riva will soon embrace Marco Varnier, also from Dea, and the striker Gabriele Artistico from Lazio. Finally, Reggiana only has to put pen to paper the arrival of Alessandro Sersanti from Juventus.

In the last few hours the Sorrento has given notice of the consensual termination of the contract with the former coach Vicenzo Maiuri. It is likely that the name of his heir will be announced shortly, which should be the former Sestri Levante, Enrico Barilari.