Baroni at the best opportunity, Lotito takes the calculator. And Immobile can go away

Mark Baronithe new coach of Lazio, was presented yesterday. “I’m happy, it’s the highest point of my career and I’m aware of this. There’s a desire to work, to feel the challenge. I’m a coach who loves challenges, I want a team ready to attack, my team must not play for itself but for the people. I never look back, I always look forward. I carry my experience behind me, what was done yesterday is already in the past. My attention is focused on today, my first and only thought is Lazio. Then it’s clear that everyone brings with them a baggage of experience, but we are all ready for this wonderful opportunity”.

These are Lotito’s words. “The goal? To improve the current position, as the coach has already said. Cards? Costs and revenues, I haven’t talked about the latter. Last year I spent 101 million. The stamp duty that is deposited in the League is not 15 but 18 million and 300 thousand. What Lazio has to pay, plus the commission. So in the end it’s 20 million. What’s the issue? You’re trying to belittle the work. If you buy from outside you don’t have VAT, it’s not applied and the actual cost is valid. If you buy in Italy you have to apply VAT and therefore you have to increase by 22%”.

Finally there is the Immobile affair. Besiktas has presented an offer to Lazio that could also be accepted, while the player is reflecting over the last few hours to understand whether to accept or not. It would still be a significant contract compared to the current one that would bring in 8 million in two years.