Baiano: “Morata from Rome or Milan. Napoli, Conte will play with 3-4-3”

TMW Radio

Special guest at Maracanatransmission of TMW Radio. The former striker spoke about the topics of the day Francis Baiano. In particular of the fate of Alvaro Morata: “He knows our league well, I like him a lot because he makes the teams play well. He’s not a great goalscorer, his career shows that, but he always scores in double figures and he’s also very useful on the wings. I would see him well both at Roma and Milan, but I don’t see him paired with another striker. He has to be the reference point. With Conte at Napoli I would see him well, but I think the choice has been made and they will play with 3-4-3. For me he won’t play 3-5-2, but only time will tell. And if Osimhen leaves, the choice has already been made and it’s Lukaku”.

And then a comment on Moses Kean to Fiorentina: “We are all waiting for him, the problem is that in recent years, also because he hasn’t played much, he hasn’t been seen much. And if he hasn’t played much, it’s because perhaps he didn’t deserve it. In January they had already sold him to Atletico but he returned to Turin due to a physical problem. He has everything to become an important player but for now he hasn’t shown what everyone expected”.

While on the fate of Cyrus Immobile: “These players need to feel important. If he has considered the Besiktas option it is because he does not feel at the centre of the Lazio project. Or his confidence has waned. If he has perceived this, it is right that he goes away”.