(ANSA) – ROME, JULY 8 – “For now it has been a less than spectacular European Championship also in relation to the quality of the players who are there and who at the moment are not able to express their full potential on the pitch. I am thinking of Mbappé, also limited by the nose injury, but also of the great English talents like Foden, who have not always shone in this competition”.
Thus to the microphones of Radio Anch’io Sport on Rai Radio 1 Andrea Stramaccioni, former coach of Inter and now Rai commentator, on the German European Championship now in its final week. “The team that fascinates the most is Spain: it is the national team that plays better, with more solutions and that gives more sensations of being able to win. In addition, it eliminated the other team that had shown that something extra, namely Germany”. Many matches: “There is a lot of play – adds Stramaccioni – a lot, perhaps too much. We also have in mind the World Cup played in the middle of the season, with an interpretation of the stars of a completely different level, the various Messi and Mbappé were much fresher. The situation is like this and it will even worsen next season with the Club World Cup, the commitments will be ever greater.
However, there are four great national teams in the semi-finals, the only big exclusion is Germany”. Does Italy lack the figure of the federal coach? “My respect for Spalletti is enormous. This European Championship was negative from all points of view, the coach has not had the opportunity to have all the time he needs, especially to understand the characteristics of the material available in a generation that is rebuilding a cycle with difficulty. I believe that Spalletti will return in September – continued Stramaccioni – with a very clear idea and a tactical suit tailor-made, the one he was unable to find in his first 14 games. He will also make some unpopular and painful choices.
But I’m sure Spalletti will find the key to the problem”. Episode of Cucurella’s handball not sanctioned by referee Taylor during Spain-Germany: “There would be a topic to open on the handball, because it remains the only big problem to objectify in football. But more than the episode, what didn’t convince me was his management of the match. If we make a comparison with Orsato, our referee is extraordinary in body language, in communicating with the players and therefore in keeping control of the match, while Taylor instead isn’t convincing in his 360-degree management. I consider Taylor’s possible candidacy for the final to be remote and not meritocratic”. (ANSA).