TMW Exclusive
He has ended up at the centre of various market rumours, but, as we anticipated this afternoon, Gabriele Artistico’s immediate future will be at Juve Stabiawhere he will arrive on loan from Lazio, who have secured the 2002-born player with a multi-year contract. Confirming everything, exclusively to the microphones of the editorial staff of, Marco Busiello, footballer’s agent: “It’s true, Gabriele will join the yellow and blue team to complete his growth path after a few seasons in Serie C. He is now ready for Serie B, I’m sure he will demonstrate his desire in that category too”.
It was in Serie B that real competition for the boy broke out.
“Yes, I confirm it. However, we only spoke with Spezia and Cosenza, two other clubs that have actually shown interest, but the choice then fell on the Campania team (Juve Stabia, ed.), and on the project that was proposed to us by the club, in our opinion right for the path we have in mind for Gabriele. He is very happy to arrive in a team that has shown it wants him strongly, he can’t wait to start this new path of his: I am sure that in that context, and with a prepared coach like Pagliuca, he will be able to do well”.
Speaking of Campanian teams, there was also talk of Salernitana…
“I’ll stop her right away. We’ve never had any contact with Salernitana in this whole period.”
What goals has your client set for himself?
“To grow and complete himself. He will be at the complete disposal of the coach and his teammates, with humility and dedication to work, to do well not only on a personal level but also for the club. The objectives of the group are the primary aspect, and he wants to give his contribution”.