Serie C, the update on the benches: Group C is complete. Two bells with doubts

Aside from the clubs that are negotiating the transfer of majority shares, Serie C in this summer of 2024 is experiencing a moment of great tranquility. No sporting drama, no club that seems to arrive at the starting line with disastrous situations on an economic level. A “peace” that the sixty clubs are exploiting to design their respective sporting projects in view of the start of the championship in the second half of August. The first piece is the one related to the coaches, the true driving force of every team.

Here then is the situation regarding Group C where there are two question marks: the first concerns the Sorrento where, barring any sensational news, the former should land Sixth Levante Enrico Barilari and the Turris where, in conjunction with the change of ownership, it should arrive Mirko Conte in the place of Leonardo Menichini.

ACR Messina: Giacomo MODICA (confirmed)
Bold Cerignola Giuseppe RAFFAELE (confirmed)
Avellino: Michele PAZIENZA (confirmed)
Benevento: Gaetano AUTERI (confirmed)
Casertana: Manuel IORI (new)
Catania: Domenico TOSCANO (new)
Cavese: Raffaele DI NAPOLI (confirmed)
Crotone: Emilio LONGO (new)
Foggia: Massimo BRAMBILLA (new)
Julian Valerio BERTOTTO (confirmed)
Juventus Next Gen: Paolo MONTERO (new)
Latin: Pasquale Padalino (new)
Monopolies: Alberto COLOMBO (new)
Picerno: Francesco TOMEI (new)
Power: Pietro DE GIORGIO (confirmed)
Sorrento: Enrico Barilari 90%, other 10%
Taranto: Eziolino CAPUANO (confirmed)
Team Altamura: Daniele DI DONATO (new)
Drills: Alfio TORRISI (confirmed)
Turris: Mirko Conte 70%, Leonardo Menichini 10%, other 20%.