Venice, Di Francesco: “Vanoli? I don’t want to copy anyone. Tessmann? He will be difficult to replace”

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The era of Eusebius begins By Francesco to the Venice: today the new coach of the lagoon team will be presented in a press conference, on the eve of the retreat scheduled in Falcade, where the Venetian team will go tomorrow afternoon. In these first days of the market the orange-black-green team have already announced the arrival of the first two reinforcements, with the young Simone Axe and Issa Doumbia made official during the week.
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The press conference begins at 2.40pm.

The sports director Antonelli takes the floor: “It is a pleasure for me to introduce mister Di Francesco, there is so much enthusiasm in starting the season in Serie A. To face the new challenges we have decided to entrust the technical guidance to him not only for the skills he has demonstrated but also for the human depth that I knew before he accepted our proposal. He will be our leader who has his courageous ideas, with an expression of football that can make our fans proud both in positive and negative moments”.

He takes the floor By Francesco: “I thank Frosinone, first and foremost president Stirpe and director Angelozzi, the extraordinary guys and the fans who made me feel like one of them in a year that I wouldn’t say was unlucky, because I don’t want excuses, but where we were undeservedly relegated. I hope they return to Serie A. I have always chosen people before the team and I thank the president of Venezia”.

What kind of work will you set up?
“It was a great start, with a nice structure and competent people. It is a small-big company from an organizational point of view. I saw the guys and asked them about their availability as the first fundamental thing. The director spoke of courage and it will be useful together with resilience”.

What page do you want to write in Venice?
“What we lacked at Frosinone was the final objective. What is needed here is to achieve it, through hard work and loyalty. During a championship you see things you don’t like. I will ask my players to respect themselves and the shirt they wear. I have seen a great sense of belonging from the directors towards the team and the club”.

What made you accept Venice?
“The human side beyond the organization. We had some initial conversations and I know what the director wants, that’s what I want too. Just having such an organization behind us where everyone does what they have to do is important.”

Venezia discovers talents from other leagues: did you find yourselves in this one?
“Yes. Obviously, among so many young talents, a mix with more experienced players will also be needed. When there are so many loans, it is more difficult to convey a sense of belonging. One thing that helps is to take players permanently so as to convey a sense of responsibility.”

How can your experience be an added value for Venezia?
“Well, I’m young (laughs, ed.). There’s always a lot to learn. I’ve changed my way of working over the years, I’ve had experiences where after 3 days the relationship ended, others where I left. This helps you try to learn from your mistakes.”

What does Vanoli leave behind? Has the staff already been defined?
“Great work culture. I found many of these things. I always try to steal from colleagues, but the biggest mistake you can make is to copy and paste. I hear people say “We want to play the game”, but this will not depend only on us for example, the level in A will be different from B. For the staff: there are still some pieces to be put in place, but there are already Caccia, Senatore, Neri (who has great international experience), Romano”.

Calendar: a derby right away for you as a former Roma player. What do you expect?
“I won’t base my work on the first matches. The first three have also changed coaches and we will have similar needs on this. They will be tough tests with two away games, but we mustn’t be afraid, just the enthusiasm that I can sense.”

What will you work on at the module level?
“Nowadays we talk more about playing principles, we will try to give continuity to the 3-man line as we did in Frosinone. Up front with two or three attackers depending on the needs. What could be missing? Creativity, I want players who know how to play one-on-one. Everyone complains that we don’t skip the man anymore”.

What will it convey to the players?
“Balance and the ability to face all moments. Today we go into retreat and we are all better and better because no one is unhappy, fans, press and players. Then the coach has to make choices”.

In Frosinone he surprised with his beautiful football at times.
“I’m more interested in the objective. Yes, we surprised certain teams, but in the second half of the season we were left without our starting defensive line. The difference between safety or not is very thin, a point dropped along the way can make the difference.”

Did he name names on the market?
“We are choosing the players together, that’s no small thing. We are looking for players who complete the squad. I hope they arrive as soon as possible (laughs, ed.)”.

How do you see Pohjanpalo and Joronen?
“I followed them, they also won against my son in Palermo. They have interesting guys, a solid defense. I already saw them attentive and applied, they will have to be even more so”.

How many men does he need?
“More than men, double roles. Then if there’s someone more it’s even better.”

Tessmann can leave. What do you think?
“I think he’s the hardest to replace, he’ll have to get a little closer, but we’re not interested in copy and paste. It’ll be important not to make mistakes.”

Question for DS Antonelli: will you be looking for Italian or foreign profiles?
“We will go for the most suitable profile for us, whether Italian or foreign it doesn’t matter. It will be a shared choice with the coach”.