Pisa, Franco Lepore of Lecco in the crosshairs. Three Serie C clubs also like him


The adventure is over at Lecco For Frank Leporea winger born in 1985, coming off a season with 33 appearances, 4 goals and 7 assists in Serie B, begins the search for a new professional experience.

In the last few days, only Serie C (Pergolettese, Renate and Rimini) have shown interest for the footballer originally from Lecce, but in the last few hours a second division club is also said to be ready to come forward. According to what was gathered by the editorial staff of TuttoMercatoWeb.comof the new Pisa driven by tandem Vaira – Inzaghi.

Lepore (38) has also worn the shirts of Lecce, Varese, Monza, Nocerina, Pergolettese, Pagan And Trieste.