Della Rocca to RFV: “Fiorentina needs Gudmundsson to make the leap in quality”

Francis Of The Rockformer Fiorentina midfielder, spoke to Radio FirenzeViola during the “Viola Weekend” broadcast of the possible arrival of Albert Gudmundsson in Florence: “Gudmundsson is a truly important player, he has shown that he has some notable moves this season. He would be an added value, increasing the technical level of the attack”.

On White: “He could definitely be part of the squad. He had a great experience in Serie B and will return with many games under his belt. Being a 2002, we can no longer consider him very young. Even if he could be ready, Palladino will decide his future”.

About Kean: “He has shown on some occasions, especially at the beginning, that he has excellent qualities. The problem is that he has not had the continuity necessary for a good performance. We will see if he will find it at Fiorentina. It is a good bet”.

On Vranckx and Brescianini: “Vranckx seems like a fairly physical player to me, at least from what I’ve seen at Milan, but he’s played too little. Brescianini, on the other hand, is a fast player who I like a lot. But I repeat, to make a leap in quality this team needs Gudmundsson, also because after losing Bonaventura, the Viola are deprived of that player who ties the game together in a qualitative way like Jack did”.