Triestina, eyes on the foreign market. But for the goal they like Pizzignacco and Anacoura


Various technical aspects defined, Triestina dives into the marketwith the aim of building a competitive squad that can aim for promotion to Serie B: no openly declared objective at the moment, but it is clear that the ambition is to do well. “My game will be proactive, the objective is to dominate the game and when we lose the ball we will try to win it back immediately. We will need to find the right balance but we want to set up a job that will give lasting results”, the words of mister Michele Santoni.

And the names that the halberds are working on also remain top secret, but according to what was gathered by the editorial staff of, the first surveys for the goal have begun. On the one hand, Semuel Pizzignacco of Feralpisalò is being probedwho didn’t have much space in Serie B but had an excellent score in Serie C with the Gardesani, on the other hand a more experienced Francesco Anacoura is being monitoredwho after many years in Portugal relaunched himself in Italy with Sestri Levante, brought to Serie C and then saved without even going through the playouts; the fact that he is currently free could facilitate a possible negotiation.

Then also pay attention to any foreign leads, considering that the club wants to internationalize as much as possible. In any case, the market has just begun, and there will be plenty of time to weigh up the decision.