Marchitelli like Buffon: from the goal to the role of head of the Azzurri delegation. But in a feminine way

The head of the delegation of the Italian Women’s team has changed: after the experience of Stefano Braghin, director of Juventus Women, the FIGC has decided to focus on a former player who knows the blue environment well, such as Chiara Marchitelli, who boasts 52 appearances for the blue team and participation in three European Championships and one World Cup. This is the note from the FIGC:

Yesterday in defense of the door of Italy, today head of delegation. As Gigi BuffonAlso Chiara Marchitelli she is preparing to experience a new adventure with the national team in a role that is new to her: she will be the head of delegation for the women’s national team, taking the place of Stefano Braghin.

“I thank Braghin – declares the federal president Gabriel Gravina – for the valuable contribution offered in a very delicate moment of transition. In this new phase, consistently with the choice to involve more and more former athletes in Club Italia, we have identified Chiara Marchitelli as the manager who can best interpret this role. Her human characteristics, curriculum and the experience she has gained in these years in the Federal Council represent a useful baggage to face the challenges that await the Azzurre in the near future”.

Marchitelli began her career in 1999 at Lazio and then wore the jerseys of Atletico Oristano, Fiammamonza, Roma Calcio Femminile, Tavagnacco, Brescia, Florentia San Gimignano and Inter, winning four Italian championships, as many Coppa Italia and five Supercoppe. After having gone through the ranks of the youth selections, in 2005 she was called up for the first time to the senior national team, with which she collected 52 appearances taking part in three editions of the European Championship (2005, 2013, 2017) and one World Cup (2019). In 2021 she was elected to the Federal Council on behalf of the Italian Footballers’ Association, after having assumed the position of head of the women’s sector of the same Association, and in the same year she joined the staff of the Women’s National Team with the role of accompanying manager.