From Milan to Naples, there are still five benches to be assigned in the Women’s Serie A

“We will introduce the new board of directors in the coming weeks and will take this opportunity to delve deeper into the details of our long-term project; In the next few days we will also make the name of the new first team coach officialwith the aim of maintaining the category and taking a step towards constant improvement in the coming years”. The new president of Napoli Femminile Marco Bifulco he spoke like this in recent days, effectively confirming his farewell Biagio Senowho had led the Azzurre to safety last season.

The Neapolitan club thus lengthens the list of teams that will be at the start of the next Women’s Serie A that have not yet communicated the technical guide for the next season: among these, the closest to the announcement are Inter, where the former Sassuolo Gianpiero Piovani will replace Rita Guarinoand Sampdoria, where the former Milan player is arriving David Short. The Rossoneri club is working hard for a foreign profile like that of Suzanne Bakkerwho officially said goodbye to Ajax, with Mattia Contini whose odds are falling. Finally, Como is advancing the name of another coach from the men’s team such as Stephen Thin with the confirmation of Stephen Maccoppiwhose contract expired yesterday, who is leaving.

Among those confirmed are: Alexander Sponge of Rome, Sebastian of the Fountain to Fiorentina and Gianluca Grassadonia in the newly promoted Lazio. While both Juventus, who have focused on that Max Canzi coming from the men’s Serie C, and Sassuolo which re-embraces Gianloris Rossi.

This is the current situation:
Rome: Alessandro Spugna (confirmed)
Juventus: Max Canzi (new)
Fiorentina: Sebastian de la Fuente (confirmed)
Sassuolo: Gian Loris Rossi (new)
Inter: Gianpiero Piovani 99%, other 1%
Milan: Suzanne Bakker 70%, Mattia Contini 25%, other 5%
How: Stefano Sottili 60%, Stefano Maccoppi 20%, other 20%
Sampdoria: Davide Corti 80%, other 20%
Naples: ?
Lazio: Gianluca Grassadonia (confirmed)