De Rossi, Mascherano and now… Ballabio: when the leader moves to defense

A charismatic leader, the Monza Under 16 captain never ceases to amaze. At the end of another excellent season, Nicolò has convinced even more.

The great route of the Monza Under 16 It is also due to the excellent performance of Nicholas Ballabio, one of the most important Italian talents of the 2008 class. True leader and captain of the team, thanks to his charisma and determination he always manages to drag his teammates along, giving his all.

He was born as a midfielder, but moved a few meters back for about a year as a defensive arm where he is even more able to give his contribution to the team. Rock-solid and skilled in tackles, but at the same time technically skilled, he is used to setting up the game: in practice a defender with the vision and feet of a director. Tireless, he manages to lead entire games always at the same pace at a more than high intensity. The incredible statistic, however, is that of goals: as many as 7 in 23 appearances in Group B last season, an impressive figure. He also manages to snatch a few call-ups in the Under 17s, four to be precise, where Nicolò has not disappointed and has fully met the high expectations. He also periodically manages to play matches for the national team. By now his name is more than well-known in the Italian youth sectors.

A very mature boy on and off the pitch, a very interesting prospect for the Italian future. In a national team that has disappointed, boys so young and of this level, only give hope for the positive.