A left-footed defender to replace Buchanan, Inter have decided. And the Hermoso trail is reopened

One more day of reflection and contact with Simone Inzaghi have led Inter’s management to decide to replace the injured Buchanan – fractured right tibia operated on Wednesday, return to the field around November – with a left-footed defender. But not a full-back as one might have imagined, but rather a centre-back, who can therefore play as an arm-back and relieve Bastoni who, in the future, could also take up the legacy of Acerbi and De Vrij as a pure centre-back.

So – he underlines Allsports – having put aside the solutions considered in the previous 48 hours – Marcos Alonso as a free agent, the former Perisic, Cancelo on loan or the big investment for Ndoye -, Inter has decided to reopen a file that it had analysed in recent months, that for the twenty-nine year old Spaniard Mario Hermoso, fresh from the end of his contract with Atletico Madrid.

Hermoso is not a new name: when Inter made the decisive moves towards Zielinski and Taremi between the end of winter and the beginning of spring, the former Simeone defender was offered for free for the defence. Hermoso has been reported in Napoli’s orbit in recent weeks – like the Granata… -, but the Azzurri have not yet reached an agreement with his agent who is asking for a salary of 5 million, 1.5 more than the 3.5 offered by De Laurentiis. Inter’s inclusion could turn the tables.