…with Ivan Marconi –

Four seasons with Palermo, now a new project. Ivan Marconi, defender born in 1989, has been a valuable element for the rosanero. On and off the pitch. Now Marconi awaits a new important opportunity to get back on track. And in the meantime he gives himself to TuttoMercatoWeb.com.

Marconi, how are you experiencing this day of being a shirker?
“It’s not the best life, it’s the first time I’ve been unattached after many years. But I’m living it well: my daughter was born recently and with my wife they make my days pass quickly. And in the meantime I train.”

Ready to get back on track?
“There have been some teams that have shown interest. I hope to find a suitable placement within a few weeks.”

What Palermo is he leaving behind?
“A company that aims to win. I am aware that Serie B is a difficult championship, they will have to compete with other important realities. It will be difficult, but Palermo is well organized”.

What do you take away from the Palermo experience?
“The two years with Mirri as president ended with the playoff victory. The year of Covid I didn’t really understand what Palermo was like, then we were repaid for all the suffering. The first year in Serie B was fantastic, I managed to score three goals and played thirty games as a starter. Last year was a big change, I found myself being a substitute. Then against Como I made a mistake and immediately after that there was the expulsion against Brescia. But in the final part I managed to express everything I feel for Palermo”.

You finally reached the playoff semi-final. What kind of championship was it?
“A championship of ups and downs, if we had had a little more balance I don’t know if we would have won but it would have been a slightly more positive year at least from the outside. As a team we have experienced these alternating phases. However, we reached the playoff semifinal and we went out against the team that won. If we look at it, it was a growth path compared to the previous year”.

And now Palermo will have to go to Serie A.
“If football were mathematics, yes. Palermo should win. But football is not mathematics, in any case Palermo is structuring itself to go to Serie A”.

Where do you see yourself next year?
“I would like to stay in Serie B, but my ID and CV say I haven’t played much in Serie B. I’m thirty-five, even if I feel like a kid. I hope to find a team that wants me strongly and that, whether in Serie B, aims to win or in Serie C, plays for top objectives”.