The die is cast, Zaniolo returns to Serie A and will play for Gasperini’s Atalanta

Nicolò Zaniolo is about to become a new Atalanta player: every doubt has been resolved, the long chase – in which the Goddess had to get the better of the competition represented by Fiorentina – has finally come to an end and a few hours ago the long-awaited white smoke arrived to conclude everything.

The will of the company’s top management was decisive in reaching the finish line. Yes, because the acceleration that removed all doubts came only in the last few hours, around dinner time, when the Orobic president Percassi decided to break the rule, or at least to go slightly above the spending limit that had been initially estimated by the club, so as to be able to give an extra Zaniolo to mister Gasperini.

In the next few hours, the 1999-born attacking midfielder will undergo medical tests with Atalanta before signing the contract. The agreement with Galatasaray was reached thanks to a loan-based formula, onerous (3 million euros), to which was linked a 16 million euro buyout obligation conditional on reaching at least 65% of 45-minute appearances, plus a possible other 3 million in bonuses. The die is cast, the games are done: in the 2024/25 season Zaniolo will play with Atalanta.