Szczesny Dream for Monza. Galliani: “The Condor Leaves on August 29-30, Not July 3…”

Monza CEO Adriano Galliani spoke yesterday evening on the sidelines of the presentation of the Serie A logo in Rome. “I think – he said – that Serie A is made up of two leagues of ten teams each, so I am proud that Monza, in its league, has finished first and second in the last two years. I believe that the top ten will always be the same, as in recent years. The left side of the table is crystallizing like in other European leagues”.

Galliani then said he was very fascinated by the Juventus project, a club that is buying goalkeeper Michele Di Gregorio from the Brianza players: “I have to say that Juventus’ project is quite intriguing to me, but also Conte and Napoli. But I think that next season the points gap between first and tenth will be much less than in the season just ended”.

Finally, on the possibility of buying Szczesny from Juventus, this is Galliani’s thought: “Once they called me the ‘Condor’, in fact they made me make a wine for charity for an institute here in Monza that treats Alzheimer’s patients called the Condor, so the Condor can’t leave on July 3, the Condor leaves on August 29-30, so we’ll wait”.