Mulè amendment withdrawn. But Abodi attacks again: “Gravina is responsible”

Double positive news arrived yesterday for Gabriel GravinaYesterday, the ‘Gazzetta dello Sport’ writes, the FIGC president not only convinced Gianluigi Buffon to stay with a broader role than his previous one, but also obtained the withdrawal of the amendment to the Sports Decree by Forza Italia MP Mulè that would have favored Serie A over the Federation.

In the meantime, however, through the columns of ‘Il Foglio’, the Minister of Sport Andrea Abodi has returned to attack the president of the FIGC Gabriele Gravina: “A national team that raises the white flag, putting on the field an unconditional surrender, is the manifesto of a problem that cannot continue to be hidden. Italian football has its lights, but it is conditioned by many contradictions. But to try to overcome them, what we must start from is, to begin with, self-analysis, self-criticism and the assumption of responsibility. If there is someone who makes a mistake and fails, there must be someone who knows how to take responsibility for the error”

It’s still: “The Italian national team has been going through a systemic crisis for a long time. And this crisis is also affected by the fact that in the Italian Football Federation there are balances that penalize the promotion of talent and competitiveness. And it is complicated that the Federation can think about the future of Italian football conditioned by the interests of the parties, those of the individual components, without reasoning about the interests of the system, with an organic vision that involves everyone, taking into account the ability to contribute. I am convinced that Serie A must be put in a position to be more competitive, also by borrowing the model of the English Premier League, counting more than it does now in the decision-making processes of the Football Federation”, said Abodi.