Montella: “Italy out? I’m sorry, I’m not looking for revenge. I like Yildiz, he has the right mindset”

Vincenzo Montella and the elimination of Italy. The Turkish coach, the only Italian coach still in the running among the five who showed up at the starting line, commented on the Azzurri’s progress in the notebooks of the ‘Gazzetta dello Sport’ as follows: “I’m sorry that Italy went out, I would have preferred them to go all the way. The fact that I’m the last one left is just a statistic. I don’t feel like I’m in competition with the other Italian coaches, on the contrary I always root for my colleagues who work abroad. Also because if they get good results it’s positive publicity for our entire school of coaches”.

It’s still: “I’m not looking for revenge, I’ve done my job, I’ve experienced the emotion of the Champions League with Roma, I won at Old Trafford with Sevilla, I saw the satisfaction of the Fiorentina fans for the way we played, I won a trophy with Milan. Now I’m happy in Turkey: I chose this challenge to test myself, but without any intention of revenge”.

On Kenan Yildiz, Juventus striker: “First of all I like that he is strong. And then he trains well, he has the right mindset, he wants to improve every day. He has excellent technique in speed. He must attack the goal better and often, score more and improve in managing the moments of the game”.