Latina, agreement with Fontana’s heir: Pontine bench entrusted to Padalino

Gennaro Fox, Ivan Tisci And Leander Greek were the first names to emerge for the bench of the Latinclub that has decided to fire Gaetano Fontana in these hours following the flirt between the latter and the Salerno of the last few days.

However, another coach will lead the Pontine club: Pasquale Padalino.

According to what was collected by the editorial staff of the coach from Foggia reached an agreement with the Nerazzurri club a few minutes ago for a one-year contract with an option for the following season linked to the achievement of certain goals.

Padalino (51) returns to a professional bench after just under two years: between August and October 2022 he will lead the Turris for 11 games. He had previously worked with Siena, Juve Stabia, Foggia, Lecce, Matera, Grosseto And Nocerina.

In the three-year period between 2006 and 2009 he was also assistant coach of Gian Piero Ventura in adventures with Hellas Verona And Pisa.