In the general tension, Iervolino announces: “Salernitana, Serie A objective in 3 years”

A day with various tensions that was experienced at Salernitana during the press conference held by Sporting Director Gianluca Petrachi and CEO Maurizio Milan: also speaking remotely was the President Danilo Iervolinobut a long-distance altercation with the local press led to a few too many disagreements, which also saw the interruption of the conference, which was then resumed. Even if in the end the intervention of the number one of the Granata ended in a tense way.

Iervolino announced that he will step down as president, but there were many topics touched on in his speech. Not least the one on the objectives: “I am convinced that I have given my best, but there is a need for a more assiduous presence and to have an all-encompassing level of concentration. For a series of reasons I cannot and will not be able to be there as I would like. I am very sorry that there are these misunderstandings with the fans, I have given my all and not only from an economic point of view. I put my heart and mind into it, I will have made a mistake in choosing someone. I take responsibility, but I have never told lies or offended. I have not failed to make financial commitments useful for following a specific line. The results derive from many factors. I feel that tomorrow there will be a sit-in against me and against the club, I do not understand the reasons. I will also try to understand and learn things that today completely escape me. We have done and will do everything possible for Salernitana, in the right time.

Only a blind man doesn’t notice what happened. The threats, the insults, someone who believes that I am no longer well-liked by the city. Everything I have done, I have done for the love of the territory without asking for anything in return. I accept it dogmatically, without even necessarily having to remember that perhaps it is unfair and ungenerous. If there are people better than me, I am very open. I did not buy Salernitana to be a speculator, I will lose a lot and I will bring home a major entrepreneurial defeat. This does not mean that I will shirk my commitments, the goal is to return to Serie A within 3 years“.