Ibrahimovic on Milan Future: “I want a top Academy. Kirovski? He sees football like us”

With the press conference held a few minutes ago at Milanello by Zlatan Ibrahimovicsenior advisor at RedBird, and Daniel Bonerathe project has officially started Milan Futuresecond team of the Devil who will play in Group B of Lega Pro with Bonera on the bench.

“It’s an initiative we’re taking because we want talents to have a chance to get into the First Team and with the Primavera system – explains Ibra -, in my experience, there’s too much distance. When you’re young, you get into the Primavera at 16-17-18 and you go too fast with the jump to the First Team: you’re physically weak and inexperienced. With Milan Futuro they’ll have more time to grow, you play against adults and it’s another level in Serie C. There’s a big difference between Primavera and First Team. In Milan Futuro they’ll play against adults, which is much more difficult. For us it’s something new, we have to find a balance, but we’re organised, prepared, we’re doing everything and everything is under control. With this initiative we want to show that we believe in our talents by giving them a chance to get into the First Team. For me and for Milan, the young player is important. Milan Futuro and First Team will be one team for us: everything Fonseca does in the First Team, Bonera will do too. It will be like a copy and paste: the same philosophy between First Team and Future. There will also be individual training. We are moving the Primavera to Vismara to train even more, staying away from the First Team because, at that age, you still have to grow. Milan Futuro is the intermediate step. There will be Milan profiles, those who for us are Milan players. Fonseca’s choice is because he is not afraid to give opportunities to young people, he believes in it.

The head of Milan Futuro will be Jovan Kirovski. He has experience as a footballer, he comes from the USA, he worked with the Galaxy. For us he is a high profile guy and we are lucky to have him. The coach will be Daniele Bonera; he played for Milan for many years, he was on Pioli’s staff and he worked individually with many young players. For us it is the right choice because the important thing is to have a collaboration with the First Team, without ego: when Fonseca needs something, Bonera will have to be available, open. The coaches in the Academy think more about the results, they put players in to win immediately to move forward in their personal careers, but for us it is important to have a coach who thinks about the growth of the players”.

After taking the floor, Ibrahimovic also answered questions from the press present:

Why the choice of the name Milan Futuro?
“There were a few options: we chose Milan Futuro to send a global message that whoever joins Milan Futuro will be the future of Milan. It’s the right name, I like it, it can also be internationalized with Future”.

Does the under-23 help Italian football?
“For Italian football, the Under 23 is only positive, because we need to improve Italian talent with a mix of international players. The Italian National Team did not do wow at the European Championship: on an individual level there is a difference, then as a group you can work a miracle. With this type of initiative, we can try to fill this gap. We start from the base. All Italian teams have a great responsibility to improve talent: how you work, what ideas you have, where you want to get to”.

Will Camarda need time to assert himself?
“For Camarda, everyone thinks it will be easy, but it won’t be easy. He will struggle at the beginning, but we are here to protect him, the responsibility is ours and we have to give him time to grow, take it step by step. He has potential, but we have to prepare him to get to the First Team: he is one of the great talents, we believe in him a lot. But it won’t be easy. We believe in him a lot. Then, in any case, everyone will always have minutes: if they don’t play in the U23s, they will play in the Primavera, if not in the Under-18s, even if they end up on the bench in the First Team. If they never play, they don’t grow, so it’s important for us that everyone will have minutes. The squad will be made up of 22-23 players, no more. Everyone must have the opportunity and time to play”.

How much do you believe in this project?
“When I came here, I pushed hard for this project because it’s not possible that Milan doesn’t have a top Academy. I really believe in talent. Investments can be made, then things will come over time. It doesn’t mean that the First Team will be full of talent… We work for Milan and for Italian football. Our responsibility is to give these guys a platform, but that doesn’t solve everything, eh… We want these guys to grow off the pitch too: when you wear the Milan shirt, you’re also a Milan player off it. Playing for Milan is more than just being a player, it’s about the person. We’re on the right path. Anyone who had doubts about the club’s ambition can now see that things are happening at the Club, that we’re working and that, when we have something to say, we’re officially here. We don’t do propaganda, I’m not a gossip magazine, we’ll talk when we have something to say”.

What did Cardinal tell you?
“I speak with Cardinale every day. He works hard, he took Milan personally, he listens to our ideas a lot. Then he wants results. Milan Futuro is one of these ideas. Cardinale is very positive, then it’s true that results count. With Milan Futuro the result is to bring talents forward”.

Will you be banking heavily on the talents of last year’s Primavera?
“Yes, I’m part of the Milan Future; there’s someone who has touched the First Team, but you have to be in it to be for the First Team. It’s in the Milan Future that you will grow to enter the First Team. The idea is that, once you enter the First Team, you don’t go back. Of all of them, Jimenez is more towards the First Team. The profile is very important: we don’t just see the wow talent that is around, but it must have something to do with our profile. When I talk about profile, just look at the history of Milan and understand what kind of profiles we are looking for. Then if they are of the same level we are happy. We start on Monday, but many players will be missing due to the Olympics and the European Championships, then we will see who will go on tour in the USA. The beginning will be a bit of a mixed bag”.

Is there a goal on the sporting side?
“The goal is to give talent time to grow and prepare him for the First Team through a competition with adults. Between Brahim Diaz and Camarda, the contrast is won by Diaz because he is an adult, he is different. All teams will do everything to beat Milan Futuro. I can imagine the first six months of a lot of effort, then in the second part of the season it will be different”.

Could it be that you will take an experienced striker into the First Team in anticipation of Camarda?
“Camarda has already trained with us. They will be very close to the First Team and, when Fonseca is short of players, they will touch the Second Team. They will always be close. If Camarda is ready for the First Team according to Fonseca, he will play there. There is a 9 missing in the First Team, then when the new 9 arrives Camarda will also be in competition with him”.

Why Kirovski?
“He will be in charge of the market, he will have responsibilities from Milan Futuro on down. The choice on him is because we needed someone who had our ideas, who speaks the same language, who shares our ambitions. Then if I didn’t believe in him, he wouldn’t have been here, I wouldn’t have mentioned his name. We want to have high profiles in every area of ​​the Club”.

Will the best U23s also play in the Youth League?
“Yes, as I said: those who don’t play in the U23s will play in the Primavera. The important thing is to give minutes. Between bringing five players to the First Team and winning the Youth League I prefer the first option”.

Will Milan Futuro need experienced players like the First Team?
“We are also looking for experienced players for Milan Futuro, in order to create a balance. If our kids lose all the games, it’s not good. If it’s difficult for someone at 25-26 to get into the First Team, someone like Messias can be a miracle.”