Ibrahimovic: “Jimenez vice-Theo. Camarda? He must be protected and prepared for the first team”

During the press conference to present the Under 23 team Milan, Zlatan Ibrahimovic he also touched on some topics related to the first team.

Do you want to take a great striker for the First Team, who can close Camarda down a bit though?
“If he were ready, Camarda would be our number 9 today. We have to protect him, dreams are another thing. He has to focus on growing, on and off the pitch. We have to protect him, we have a big responsibility. We’ll talk about the number 9 of the First Team starting on Monday. The idea is to prepare the way for Camarda to enter the First Team starting today. In Serie C, defenders will treat him badly, sportsmanlike speaking… Then if they touch him, I’ll come on the pitch (laughs, ed.). But it’s not right to give him all the responsibility now. We believe in him a lot. He’s become a professional, he’s signed the contract, he has to continue an online school: everything is going very quickly, so it’s important for him to become a man. He’s still a child”.

Will Jimenez be Theo’s deputy?
“Theo’s assistant will be Jimenez. If he doesn’t play in the first team he will play for Milan Futuro, that’s the advantage. A year ago he wouldn’t have had minutes on the pitch, now he can play and have minutes and that’s very important. Taking Theo’s place doesn’t seem easy to me, but at the same time we have to give you the chance to grow. Without Milan Futuro in training you don’t grow. To play you have to be stronger than Theo, it’s very difficult. With Milan Futuro you can give him minutes. Then it’s not Serie A, but he will grow. So yes, he will be Theo’s assistant”.

Click here for the full press conference of Ibrahimovic and Bonera