Future Good Morning: the centre-back is having dinner with agent Riso, the decision is between Napoli and Inter

Dinner in progress, as anticipated, between Alessandro Good morning and Beppe Riso, agent of the Torino centre-back: the prized piece of the Granata squad is one of the big players on the market and after his adventure at the European Championship, his move to a big club seems obvious. Napoli has reached an agreement with Torino for his transfer for 35 million plus 5 in bonuses, but a surprise addition has ruined the Azzurri’s plans for an immediate closure.

Let’s recall the events of the day: Inter met with their agent Beppe Riso to close the Oristanio deal with Venezia and during the talks the conversation also fell on Alessandro Buongiorno, vice-captain of Torino and a prized piece of the summer market.

The Nerazzurri have asked for information about the defender, but they need time, because the 35 million offered by Napoli at the moment are certainly not matchable: the Nerazzurri need to sell before throwing themselves into a new defensive reinforcement. Now it’s a matter of understanding whether the centre-back will choose to wait for the Nerazzurri or accept Napoli immediately: the player will decide. These are the words of the agent at the end of the meeting that took place today at the Nerazzurri headquarters: “We also spoke about it with Inter, a couple of jokes, a bit of chit-chat…, Frattesi? Yes, but he’s staying, of course. But today we spoke about other things. Maybe we put together half a joke about Buongiorno”.