Deschamps: “Defensive France? Not by my will: you don’t win just by defending”

France wins, but not everyone is convinced. Didier Deschamps’ team is by all accounts one of the absolute favorites for the European Championship currently being held in Germany, even if, at least up to now, it has certainly not shone for the level of its performances.

In an interview with AFP, the coach was asked what he thinks of a comparison between two different games, in which Mbappé and his teammates won with a defensive attitude. They are the challenge against Germany at the 2016 European Championship (won 2-0) and the one against Belgium, two years later at the 2018 World Cup (won 1-0). “These two games have nothing to do with each other, except for the fact that they allowed us to go to a final. Defensive attitude? You don’t win games by defending, it’s too simplistic. I always start with the idea of ​​putting the most dangerous team for the opponent”.

And if the result is to see a defensive team, then the coach defends himself by saying that his intentions are very different, just as they were in the two matches mentioned above: “I would never go against the nature of my players and if this is to want to play with a low center of gravity then we will do it, but it is certainly not what I had asked them to do initially” – he explained. In short, we will see if tomorrow, at 9:00 p.m., the Blues will be able to silence this type of criticism in front of Portugal of Cristiano Ronaldo.