Corriere della Sera: “Pioli the new sheik of Arabia: he will train Benzema for 54 million”

Stefano Pioli climbs onto the podium of the highest paid coaches in the world, we read on Corriere della Sera. He may not be at the level of Roberto Mancini, who ran away in a hurry last summer, tempted by the 30 million check including tax-free bonuses guaranteed to him by the Arab federation. But 54 million, between fixed and variable parts, credited to the current account in three years, still heals any wounds.

Contacts between the Arabs and the Emilian coach’s agents began in the spring when Pioli was still hoping to honor his contract with Milan. In those days, Pioli considered Arabia an exotic destination, a country too far from his beloved grandchildren. Instead, in recent weeks, contacts have resumed, intensified in the last few hours until they materialized in a draft agreement that, it must be said, is not yet definitive. The signatures for the three-year agreement and a full understanding on bonuses are missing.