Clamoroso Riso: “I spoke with Inter about Buongiorno. A few jokes, a bit of chit-chat”


“I spoke with Inter about Franco Carboni, for whom we are in the process of exchanging documents for the transfer to River Plate. For Oristanio it is still early, we still have to make a choice”. This is what the agent said Beppe Rice he began the post-match interview at the Nerazzurri headquarters, where there was certainly talk of Oristanio’s move to Venezia, with Tessmann who should do the reverse path (but going on loan in the 2024/25 season, ed.). However, the revelation on the future of Torino centre-back Alessandro Buongiorno was sensational, which follows:

Good morning Napoli? Can you tell us something?
“I was thinking Buongiorno all’Inter (laughs, ed.). We also spoke about it with Inter, a couple of jokes, a bit of chit-chat…”.

On Frattesi? Is he unsellable for Inter?
“Yes, but it remains, of course. But today we talked about other things. Maybe we put together half a joke about Buongiorno”.