Catanzaro, after the announcement the signature: two-year contract for Caserta. The adventure begins today


Aquilani was also in our thoughts to give continuity to the technical project started with Vivarini, but we chose Caserta as our coach”. The president of Catanzaro Florian Known yesterday he announced the name of the new coach during the press conference: “He was already followed last year when Vivarini was undecided whether to continue with us or not and I am sure he will give us a lot, we strongly believe in him. Caserta is a Calabrian coach, a man of his word and I am happy to have rebuilt the winning pair with Polito. Two men who are friends and who know each other very well, in the past we had some problems between the sports director and the coach, now there certainly won’t be any”.

The official announcement by the Calabrese club is also expected today, given that during the night, as reported by TMWthe signature on a two-year contract has arrived. At Catanzaro everything is ready for the new course with the former Perugia and Cosenza coach at the helm.