Calafiori has (almost) a new team: Bologna has said yes to Arsenal for 50 million

Richard Calafiori could soon sign for theArsenal. This is the news of the day, with the defender born in 2002 who was convinced by the project and the offer from the Gunners, which also satisfied the Bolognagiven that the rossoblù club was offered 50 million euros (40% of the capital gain will be collected by Basel).

Having beaten off competition from PSG, Chelsea, Bayer Leverkusen and Juventuseverything could be defined this week. Already on Wednesday morning there was talk of very high figures, with the Londoners who had come to put on the table as much as 47 million and Saputo’s company who had said no.

John Sartoriresponsible for the technical area of BolognaRimini had spoken like this at the Gran Gala for the official opening of the 2024-2025 transfer market: “There is talk of Juventus but also of many other teams. At this moment we will try to keep him. If important requests were to arrive we will have to think about it, I’m not saying that we will give him because the president has exposed himself by saying that he wants to keep the whole team, but we will certainly make some evaluations. I don’t think he will go to Juventus, he will probably go to a different market, but I repeat that we would like to try to keep him. Calafiori had a great European Championship, it’s a shame it wasn’t useful for Italy. Now let’s let him rest, then we’ll see what happens on the market”.