Buffon won’t leave the national team, confirmed after the meeting with Gravina: “Second skin”

Gianluigi Buffon will remain part of the technical staff of the Italian national teamwith the current role of head of the Azzurri delegation. Doubts had been raised about whether the former goalkeeper would continue his adventure after the failed Euro 2024 expedition by Spalletti’s team, but now they have all been dispelled.

Buffon met with Gravina and the pieces fell into placewith words of great mutual respect spread by the FIGC portals. “Gigi is an extraordinary resource for the FIGC and for the National team – says Gabriele Gravina – he has taken to his new role with great availability and professionalism, I thank him for having strongly wanted to continue to give his contribution to the blue cause. In line with what was announced on the day of his presentation, after having obtained the diploma as sports director at the Coverciano course, it is my intention to involve him also in a more operational role within the structure. His confirmation was my first objective for the relaunch of the National team and it represents wonderful news for all of Italian football”.

“Blue is my second skin – says Gianluigi Buffon – I am happy to be able to continue the path as a manager that began a little less than a year ago in the National team, I thank President Gravina for his esteem and, as I have always done in my career, I will give my all for the National team. In recent months, I have also been able to acquire knowledge and professionalism that I hope will be useful for the development of Club Italia and the strengthening of all the Azzurri teams”.