Bologna wants Cambiaghi but without auctions. Among the alternatives also a former Lecce player

Today’s edition of The Courier of Sport he focuses on Nicholas Cambiaghiemphasizing how the striker is owned by Atalanta, a team he returned to at the end of his loan (of two years) to Empoli. Like last summer, Sartori is back on the attack on a player he greatly appreciates (he arrived at Atalanta when he was still in management).

The newspaper explains that Como is the team that presented the best economic proposal to the Goddess compared to the competition, represented by Lazio, Parma, Torino and Genoa, in addition to the Felsinei and Empoli. who for his part would gladly welcome him back. Cambiaghi, we read, wants to think carefully about the choice and gives preference to those who play in European cups. If we then add that Bologna is in the Champions League… For his part, however, the player had not taken very well – writes the author of the article – the last minute change of heart of the Emilian club, also pushed to backtrack by an evaluation of the then coach Motta. Over time, however, Cambiaghi himself had also understood that it was not a real about-face. Bologna wants Cambiaghi, but on the condition that he does not participate in auctions and that Atalanta does not haggle too much over the price.

In case the runway is abandoned, possible alternatives come from Northern Europe: the swedish Pontus Almqviston loan to Lecce last season and now back to Rostov, but also Elias Achouri from Copenhagen, with dual French and Tunisian passports.