Ancona can start again. The Mayor of the city speaks: “I will personally go to Rome to FIGC”

There was a fear that everything was over, and it was a lot, but after the failure to register for the next Serie C championship, Ancona is ready to start again. And it was the Mayor Daniele Silvetti who announced itduring the public meeting held yesterday at the ‘Del Conero’ stadium, with the presence of a large number of fans in the Curva Nord: “In recent days I have managed to set up a series of realities that will allow us to register – we read on -. This is our perspective: those who today put in money and passion, make us understand that there is not only a perspective, but an ambition. I will personally go to Rome to the FIGC to bring what is needed to present the registration for the next championship”.

Silvetti then continues: “The new company will be called SSC Ancona. The president will be Gianluca Brilli, in this first technical phase, but the new president, I am authorized to say, will be Vincenzo Guerin: I would like to say, however, that the 400 thousand euros were made available by Stefano Marconi. Among the leading figures in this that will be the technical framework, I confirm that there will be Massimo Gadda. Now we will have to complete and perfect the application for registration: immediately after, from July 8th onwards, it will be possible to listen to the new ownership and see the new corporate structure”.

A note then goes to the possible presence of a second football club in the city, given that the potential registration of the association headed by Francesco Agnello (who bought the majority of shares from the former owner Tiong) remains up in the air, but on this the mayor is clear: “The mayor of Ancona can only legitimize one club. And if the mayor is here talking to you, it seems clear to me that this is the project he supports and legitimizes. And there is one thing that money certainly cannot buy, that is the affection and presence of the fans: if you are here, it is clear that you also support this cause”.

He then concludes: “I believe that the greatest guarantees come from people like Guerini and Gadda who are symbols of the history of Ancona football and not only, but also from the entrepreneurs who are part of the economic fabric of Ancona. However there will be a reference and control by the administrationwithout prejudice to the fact that it is not a municipal ‘participation’ given that we are talking about a private entity”.