Mazzotta on Catania: “On the sidelines because the club followed the rumours in the square”


Having freed himself from Catania last June 30th Anthony Mazzotta he spoke about his farewell to the Etna club and not only in the ‘A tu per tu’ column on TMW:

“I went to Catania with other projects, after two months they destroyed the initial plans with Laneri and Tabbiani. They didn’t give us time to work. We had the retreat in a field in precarious conditions, at the beginning we had an hour’s drive to go to training. Then we went to Cibalino, which is a field with different dimensions compared to those of the stadium. We were all new, we had to form the group, instead they changed everything. Overall until January the group led the team to the semi-final of the Italian Cup”.

On why he ended up on the fringes of the group, he then explains: “I was accused of a lack of commitment and they put me on the fringes: if there is no strong management and you follow the voices of the square, this happens. When this accusation was made against me I was upset, after twenty years of playing football and always behaving well, I was hurt in my pride”.