Inter, Marotta surprises: “Marcos Alonso and Gudmundsson? I think I’ll exclude them”

Joseph Marottapresident of theInterspoke to the microphones of the media present, including SportMediasetat the calendar presentation event: “Objectives? First of all, we are the reigning champions and as such we must defend this title, but above all we are Inter and when this club takes part in a competition it must always achieve the maximum, strong in its history and its list of successes. We will face all the competitions and let’s not forget the last one, which is perhaps the most important, the Club World Cup, and we will do it with great spirit to reach the top”.

Marcos Alonso an option? Gudmundsson is destined to remain a dream?
“First of all, we are sorry for Buchanan’s injury, but he is young, he will recover easily. The information we have is that of a surgery that went very well, we hope to have him back in 4 months. Beyond this, we will then carefully evaluate what could be a more complete squad, in light of the numerous competitions, regardless of who should play. As for the names he mentioned, I think I will exclude them because the squad we have is already strong in itself”.

Buffon will remain head of the Italian delegation.
“I am very happy about this, I know him personally and I appreciate his human qualities as well as those of a player, even if he is no longer one. I believe he is truly a point of reference for our national team and he also gained a great experience from this German mission. We start again from there and from Spalletti, it is not right to be all judges, but to be self-critical, yes, to accept criticism. Something did not go the right way, but we are a movement that must protect the heritage, I would include managers and coaches in it”.

Will it be more difficult to win the championship this year?
“Generally it is like this because we are the opponent to beat, we have the tricolour cockade on our chest, this will bring greater motivation to our opponents, but we are used to playing this role and we will do it in the best way possible”.

Lautaro overflowing with Argentina.
“He is showing the qualities he had since he was a boy: he lacked experience and he found it, he lacked authority and he found it, it is no coincidence that he is also our captain and has become the leader of the team. We are very happy and proud to have signed a contract extension with him that will see him wear this shirt for a few more years”.