From the new logo… to the double captain! Pordenone reclaims its history

The federal registration number 962834 has been given, the affiliation to the FIGC has been formalised: the most important steps for the rebirth have therefore been taken, and Pordenone can officially restart. As is now widely known, it will do so from the regional Promotion championship, but not without focusing heavily on the Youth Sector, defined by the new ownership – led by the insurance broker Gian Paolo Zanotel – as “the fulcrum of the new sporting and social project”: the Friulian club will in fact be present in all the tournaments, from Piccoli Amici to Allievi, and also with a youth team in the Third category.

The first team will be entrusted to Fabio “Ciccio” Campaner, historic captain who boasts 215 appearances with the black-green shirt, but he will not be the only captain who will return to the club: as the club has announced, Mirko Stefani will lead the Pordenone youth teamwith the first open days taking place this July.

And it doesn’t end there, the new logo has also been decided, after a vote via social media: the new crest features on one side a P embracing the N that flows into the Noncello, while the other depicts the lizard. As the club reports, this proposal, chosen from the initial 6, obtained 60.1% in the final phase, after having obtained an important 45.9% in the first step. The club is now clear: “And you, new logo, remember that you have a great responsibility. We will soon let you enter our hearts, you will find space on shirts and flags, you bring these colors back up. We are counting on you!”.