Dino Baggio: “Khephren Thuram has great room for improvement, Motta is a top maestro”

Dino Baggioformer teammate of defender Lilian Thuram at Parma, commented on The Sports Gazette the new challenge of midfielder Khephren Thuram, ready to follow in his father’s footsteps in the ranks of Juventus: “I’m really happy for Thuram, he’s a great person and he deserves the joy of seeing his sons in Serie A. Khephren was born after I had already left Parma. We met, however, at some gatherings of old teammates. And then I’ve always followed the careers of these two boys”, his statements.

Baggio has always expressed himself in the following way on the French talent arriving from Nice: “He touches the ball well, has a vision of the game and, in my opinion, also has the spirit of a leader. It is logical that he must grow, because he is very young, and I think that in Thiago Motta he can find an excellent teacher. In my opinion, Khephren has considerable room for improvement”. He comments on the next derby d’Italia: “I would not want to be in Lilian’s shoes. I believe that, as a good father, he will be on the side of those who need support the most. Or he will not take sides at all and maybe not even go to the stadium: Lilian is stranger than you imagine…”.