Di Gregorio at Juventus also makes Inter happy, with almost 2 million in the Nerazzurri coffers

Juventus is literally unleashedis the most active major Serie A team on the summer market in these first few weeks and, while it awaits the second reinforcement in midfield after Douglas Luiz (in a few more days the purchase of Khephren Thuram from Nice will be official), it is already looking ahead to the third signing signed by Giuntoli of this crazy and already hot Juventus summer.

It will concern the door and will bring a changing of the guard between the posts: with Szczesny leaving, the place occupied for years by the Pole will be taken by Michele Di Gregoriothe goalkeeper who was a revelation last season in Serie A, who will undergo medical tests with the Bianconeri club on Friday before signing the contract that will tie him to the Old Lady for the next 5 years, until June 30, 2029.

A definitive operation that costs approximately 18 million eurosof which not all are destined to enter the coffers of Monza. In fact, there is a percentage of the future resale (10%) that Inter has reserved for itself at the moment of the red and whites of Brianza and now the time has come for the black and blues to benefit from it. The Beneamata will thus collect almost 2 million euros: not a life-changing figure, but it does everything.