Braglia: “Milan, I see confusion. And I would spend the 55 million for Lukaku-Abraham elsewhere”

TMW Radio

The former goalkeeper Simone Bragliaduring the Maracanã on TMW Radiospoke about the Milan market:

Milan, Lukaku says no. What will happen with the striker?
“55 million for him and Abraham… I would invest them elsewhere. Having said that, I seem to see a lot of confusion about the choice of a player. Beyond the costs, from a management point of view there is a lack of clear ideas about who to go and get. Once upon a time, players were bought without hesitation, the eras are different but Milan is still an important club. The other doubt arises from the fact that I have to understand if some key player could leave”.

Leao, Theo Hernandez and Maignan at risk?
“As for the role, I think Maignan is the most complete player at the European Championships and he should be kept.”