Rome, former Granata Berenguer offers himself for the armband. In Bilbao 28 goals and 20 assists in 4 years

Roma’s market has yet to take off, but there is no shortage of attractive proposals to strengthen De Rossi’s squad. Among these – reports – a rumor has emerged in Spain in these hours that would lead to an old acquaintance of our Serie A: Alexander Berenguer. The former Torino winger who has just been released on a free transfer after four seasons at Athletic Bilbao with important numbers: 28 goals and 20 assists. In the last one he often came on during the game, given that there was a certain Nico Williams on that side, still scoring 7 goals.

However, the renewal has not arrived and now Berenguer finds himself free to choose his next club. Some intermediaries – continues – they would have also proposed him to Roma who on that side must think about the post-El Shaarawy and could use the former granata also in a lower position where he has just said goodbye to Spinazzola. Twenty-eight years old and a salary of just under a million and a half, he could be a valid profile to strengthen the squad considering that the Spaniard knows Italian football well having played for Toro for almost 4 seasons between 2017 and 2020 before moving for 12 million to Bilbao.