Rimini, Di Salvo on the logo: “A mistake not to listen. The old and new will be on the shirt”

In recent days, Rimini had presented the new logo, arousing strong opposition from the public, who had asked the company to take a step back and return to the logo that had just been abandoned. With a note on the official website, the president Stephanie DiSalvo took stock of the situation, defending the novelty, but also going to meet the square. The old logo will in fact be included in the shirt for the next season and announcing that he wants to start working on a new symbol that will please everyone:

“In recent days I have been reflecting with my closest collaborators on the rebranding that is causing so much discussion. I sincerely expected the emotional reaction to the change, it is a dynamic of football already seen in many situations, this is a world that people feel very much in their gut and the reaction in these cases is always very similar. We have started a new page of Rimini FC and with all our commitment we will really try to give a turning point to the history of football of this city.

We are keeping the promise we made when we arrived: multi-year project based on structures to give solidity to the results we will obtain in the field. The rebranding project is necessary for us and therefore we will carry it forward. Having said that, listening to the city, talking to the people I met, I understood that, regardless of whether they like it or not stylistically, it is the lack of recognisability and therefore of identity that is at stake: this makes me very sad. We made the mistake of not listening before, we cannot repeat it now.

I was asked to take a step back, I think we should instead talk about a step forward. What we will do is insert a small patch on the back with the old logo to bring it back to the shirt until, working on it already this season, we find together the right way to modify the current Rimini symbol. and move towards the future as we are already doing with the important projects that we will continue to carry forward with determination”.