Rabiot: “France not beautiful? It’s not important. As Allegri says, winning is what counts…”


Adrien Rabiot is among the protagonists of the France team that reached the quarter-finals. He has been officially released since yesterday

Adrien Rabiot, what will be your future?
“I’ve already spoken, I haven’t decided anything yet. I’m focused on the French national team, then we’ll see what happens later. I don’t feel like talking about this now. Let’s see what happens.”

Do you want to say something to Juventus fans?
“They understood that I am focused on the European Championship with the national team, then we will see what happens after. Now, however, the focus is 100% here and I am always in contact with the club. Something will be decided after the European Championship”.

You are winning these games where you are not beautiful but also very concrete. How much does this aspect weigh?
“But it’s not important to be beautiful, have you seen what Italy did? They weren’t beautiful and they didn’t even win. It doesn’t matter to be beautiful. As Allegri says, the important thing is to win and that’s what we did. Ours was a good match, I’m happy with the group and we deservedly are in the quarter-finals”.

TMW – Did Italy’s elimination against Switzerland surprise you?
“From what I saw in the group stage we could have expected this result. Italy were not in a good position and given what Switzerland had done before, they were much stronger. I can’t say I’m surprised by the elimination, they are also a young team, they need to work with the new coach. It’s normal, I think this elimination is a disappointment for everyone but they will be able to do better in the near future at the World Cup”.

Adrien today is his first day as a free agent
“I repeat. Now I’m focused on the World Cup…”