Marotta: “The Inter block of Italy has not failed”. Then he talks about the commission of wise men


Giuseppe Marotta, president of Interduring the interview conducted on the sidelines of the opening event of the transfer market in Rimini, also focused on the problems of the Italian national team and the insufficient contribution of the Inter block: “I heard talk of failures, certainly not, although there are elements of criticism to highlight. One of the best therapies is to strengthen the relationships of comparison between the clubs and the national team, they must be intensified. Today, however, we are faced with a system that does not exist: too much quarrelsomeness and personalism without an overall vision that makes you sit down at a table and analyze theme by theme all the problems highlighted. However, I would like to underline how there are great positive qualities of a nation that has always been the pride of everyone”.

Gravina has in mind the commission of experts.
“It can be a tool but this critical phase needs analysis that goes back in time. We lack technical quality and talent that is no longer there. Let’s ask ourselves a question. Talent has always been born among the less well-off classes but today to play football you have to pay and not all families can. The school system must therefore come to the rescue to help”.

Is Spalletti also a great coach?
“I think so, I have never seen an infallible coach or one who has a magic wand to win everything. He has great qualities, he has shown it in his career and we must underline how he has recently taken over the national team and it is right to go through certain processes. It is a shame but it is part of the growth for the whole movement”.

To read the full interview, click here