Mantua, a move for Genoa’s Aramu. The playmaker should wear the red and white jersey

In the race to Mattia Aramu Mantova could win in the end. The red and white club, newly promoted to Serie B, would have in fact overcome the competition of Palermo, Sassuolo and Salernitana for the ’95 class playmaker who returned to Genoa after a less than exciting adventure with Bari, where he also ended up outside the squad for a period, last season.

As reported by Sky Sports he would in fact be close to transferring to the club coached by David Possanzini who is looking for quality and experienced players to face the cadet league. Aramu in fact knows the category well having collected 199 appearances with 31 goals to which are added another 7 appearances, with one goal, between play off and play out.

The playmaker also boasts two promotions to Serie A achieved with the shirts of Venezia (10 goals in 38 appearances in 2020-21) and Genoa (two goals in 26 appearances in 2022-23).