Italy, Abodi: “Responsibility of those who coordinate activities. I hope there are profound changes”

Andrea AbodiMinister for Sport and Youth, has returned to talk about Italy’s elimination from the European Championship. After the statements made to RTL 102.5 he also spoke on the evening edition of TG1 on Rai 1: “There are those who seek responsibility elsewhere, but the responsibility lies with those who coordinate the activities. The components do not communicate constructively. Serie A is an indispensable entity within the federal perimeter and I believe it is necessary to find points of contact, rather than mark differences”.

In short, in your opinion, who is to blame?
“From this point of view, the responsibility for this harmony lies with the FIGC, which must try to put Serie A in a position to express itself at its best. To start again, in addition to an analysis of its own responsibilities, I hope that we turn the page and that there are profound changes. As in all democratic systems, the sports system also presupposes a comparison, which is also electoral, but I hope it is above all on the contents”.

Abodes instead he spoke to the microphones of RTL 102.5: “The game is now over, we’re back home, but the thing that surprised me is the search for responsibility from others. I think that when faced with defeat, the first factor that must emerge is self-criticism and starting again from there”.